25 Express. js Question

**Express.js Basics:**
1. What is Express.js, and why is it commonly used in web development with Node.js?
2. How does Express.js compare to vanilla Node.js in terms of building web applications?
3. Explain the key features of Express.js that make it a popular choice for web development.
4. What is middleware in Express.js, and how is it used in the request/response cycle?
5. How can you set up a basic Express.js application and define routes?
**Routing and Route Handling:**
6. Describe the concept of routing in Express.js and how it works.
7. How do you define a route in Express.js, and what are route parameters?
8. Explain the use of route handlers and how to define them in Express.js.
9. What is the purpose of request and response objects in route handling?
10. How do you implement route middleware in Express.js?
**Request Handling and Middleware:**
11. What is the difference between `req.params`, `req.query`, and `req.body` in Express.js?
12. How do you use the `next()` function to pass control to the next middleware in the stack?
13. Describe the differences between application-level middleware and route-specific
middleware in Express.js.
14. What is the `app.use()` method, and how is it used to mount middleware in an Express.js
15. How can you handle errors using middleware in Express.js?
**View Engines and Templates:**
16. Explain the concept of view engines in Express.js and their role in generating HTML content.
17. What are some popular view engines used with Express.js, and how do you set them up?
18. How can you render dynamic content using templates in Express.js?
19. Describe the use of template engines like EJS, Handlebars, or Pug in Express.js.
20. How do you pass data from Express.js routes to views for rendering?
**Working with Static Files:**
21. What are static files, and how does Express.js handle them?
22. How can you serve static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images in an Express.js
23. Explain the purpose of the `express.static` middleware and how to use it.
24. How do you specify a custom location for serving static files in an Express.js app?
25. What are some best practices for optimizing the serving of static files in a production
Express.js environment?